Pray for United States of America!
Most of you may noticed that the second influence in the world after Israel, is USA, United States of America. I deeply believe that we all have to pray for America. So many attack the actual president of United States of America, Donald Trump's and we are not called to attack him as authority for us before God's decision. We are called to pray for our authorities so we may live in peace! Stop attacking people that God put them in authority so we may not be judged by God, our Father in heaven. God loves us but also we have to remember that God is the Lord! Instead pray for them. Pray for Donald Trump to have wise decision and be afraid of God! If you see America has slowly falling from principles of God, pray for that! If Paul has strongly advices us to pray for all authorities over us he knew well that. Look in times he lived, times where persecution of Christians was all over the Kindom of Israel. Even Jesus was crucified by Jewish and Romans! Pray in ...