
Showing posts with the label sin

What mean the truth will free you, when you know it?

Well most of us still confront the sin defeating us. Why is still that? Jesus said once when He was alone with His disciples, talking about the greater works and ministries in the name of Jesus: " If you love Me, keep My commandments " - John 14:15 . Maybe John 14:15 rise you questions of how can you do this. Well, the answer is very simple. Here is the answer: " The Book of Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe  to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success " - Joshua 1:8 The key word here is constance, which mean discipline and assuming responsibility daily! Wooow! You may say is hard to do that. You don't have to do so many rituals! As assuming responsibility is to just read, study the Bible daily and pray daily! What comes after I won't tell you! Read the last fragment above, read afte...

Why Jesus Christ died for us?

There are at least 4 reasons for sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ and I will try to give you Bible verses to read 1. God loves the world . Some of you know this theoretically and some of you know this practically. According to John 3:16 , we can understand that love of God is unconditionally ( 1 Peter 4:8 ) - read this Bible verse. 2. God saw the danger beyond the sin. The real danger is death in hell forever, where demons will go. Obviously I will give again the Bible verse John 3:16b : " that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life ". 3. We are created as His image, according to His likeness . For this reason God is motivated to save us through His only begotten Son Remember that God is jealous for us, in our advantage, because we belong to God. Everything belongs to God - Psalm 89:11. Let's see this: "The heavens are Yours, the earth is also Yours; the world and all its fullness, You have found them". 4. Sata...

In the days of peace seek the Lord

On these days of safety if we will not challenge us to seek with much more passion God, might be in our disadvantage. We should motivate our selves to seek God daily because of the future that it may not be friendly with us. More than that: it might be very evil. Even if we fill that we still live in peaceful days, our Lord should be daily our first priority. We don't know when a war can start, or a accident could happen, or a disease may attack someone etc, we have to be ready for everything. Remember Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Paul, Jesus Christ and many they were able to face a lot of evil challenges and they overcome the evil with glory for God. Seeking the Lord in His Word and prayer, might sound religious, but that's a lie. Seeking the Lord in His Word and prayer is a very great and very useful, and make us very strong inner us. As I told you, our Lord, God, should be daily our first priority. Pray is talking with God and Holy Spirit will guide you. Study the...

What is the sin?

Making short, if you want to understand what is the sin, you have to go in Genesis, chapter 2 , when Eve has been tempted by Satan. Important is to see how she has been tempted by Satan. What the Bible says about Eve? She saw the tree of knowledge beautiful and good to eat because she believed the lying words of Satan. One more is to see the origin of sin, when Lucifer (Satan) wanted to be like God. He saw himself the most beautiful angel and had the biggest position in heaven of God. He was the liders of worship and praising. He was a good commercial person - Ezekiel 28:16 . He was in Eden before humankind being created (read Ezekiel 28:13, Luke 10:18 ). People say that the origin of sin is pride, is Lucifer. It might be that. What I say here is that the sin is any action that comes against God in any way, no matter how. This is the sin.  Why God is against the sin? Well, I have a answer for that: discover God and you will see how is God. The answer is simple: God is Holy...