Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6?

Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels. Well, is not right! Considering that angels of God had made love to the daughters of men, is a blasphemy against Holy Spirit

By this mean, subliminal or on conscious mind, you consider that God can not be organised, is chaotic and can not be anywhere in the same time. You limited God in your mind, because you don't know the Bible.

So, the sons of God turned from God to Satan and began to be evil and being possessed by demons.

Do you remember when Holy Spirit was upon Mary, the virgin woman and the power was overshadowed her? Was the exactly moment when God put the seed of the Son of God in the womb of Mary without affecting her virginity. 

Read much closer Matthew 1:18-24 to understand how hard was for Joseph to believe Mary that baby that she had in her womb is the Son of God, not of another man and he was almost there to divorce of Mary secretly. 

Joseph didn't believed the event of Luke 1:26-56 what Mary said to him until the angel of God told Joseph exactly all details in his night dream. For Holy Spirit is no need to make love to daughters of men to procreate the people, because He already created Adam and Eve once and these two guys were procreating at their time once.

Where in the Bible must search for the sons of God from Genesis 6? The chapter 5 of Genesis and Genesis 4:26. Right there. We love fantastic stories. We love to create all kind of stories with super powers.

Well, if we don't study the Bible exegetic, we will go in the wrong way of understanding. The real sons of God are described in Genesis 4:26 and Genesis all chapter 5.

These sons of God get united and made love with daughters of the ungodly men. The sin they have done is spiritual in their relationship with God and had affected even there souls and in physically plan.

Why God saw so bad this sin? Because these men and their families were ungodly people serving Satan directly or indirectly. 

They were riddles in the stars, witchcrafts and sorcerers who communicated with the demons, and received instructions in different fields, such as music, Babel Tower constructions, fighting weapons, speaking in demon's tongues etc. There were evil, killing each other, hating each other and so on.

Any man who man or woman who serves Satan directly, even indirectly, provoke the anger of God upon that person and upon his family. Why not serving Satan. Because Satan is not God. Satan is a creation of God. So, logical is Satan can not be worshipped.

Have you ever been cheated your husband or by your wife? Through faith in God, in Jesus Christ you have united with God forever.

So the sons of God from Genesis 4:26 and Genesis 5 turned from God to Satan and become sorcerers, evils, killers and damaging the name of God on the earth. It is obviously that only Noah kept his faith in God on earth, chosen for God to save him and his family.

Hope you understand what I am saying here and if you have question, just put them on the blog and I will try to answer you! Subscribe to my blog above with your e-mail to stay connected.

God bless you so much with His everlasting life in Jesus Christ, His Son! Amen!


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If there is is only one God why are more than 4000 religins?

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