If there is is only one God why are more than 4000 religins?

Screenshots from Facebook

I have seen from Facebook the next question, which, of course, I made a screen shot, and I already gave an answer to Mamodou Lamin Bajo on Facebook. The question sounded like this:

"If there's one God, why are there more than 4000 religions?"

When human being has sinned, has lost the connection with God. God was there with Adam and Eve, but they couldn't comprehend God anymore, because the sin has broken the spirit of human being.

The perfect human being in greatest relationship with God has become unperfected human being in confusion of understanding God and couldn't reach in relationship with God!

But something remained deep in the human being: the thirsty of eternity, the thirsty of spiritual food. But they have lost connection with God, even if He was there to support them. So how they feed themselves spiritually? Will see that...

If we understand that, then we can understand why human being, people (in general) and all kind of nations have created their own religions.

Creating all kind of religions, means to create all kind of gods and idols inspired by someone (singular or a group beings) or something and that means to worship them. All these need to have rituals and these can cause deadly ones.

And here is important to understand how they worship those gods and idols of those religions.

I remember that in Bible God commanded to Israel in Exodus 20 do not make gods and not to worship them. 

Let's see:
"And God spoke all these words, saying: " I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself any carved image, of any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them" - Genesis 20:1-5.

The most dramatic worship in the history of the world was for me the little babies given to the god Moloc, stabbed in their hearts and than burdened them as fire sacrifice on big scary altar full of innocent blood shed for demons. 

This is one of the main reasons why God has commanded to Israel not worship those gods and idols, but only Him.

Now I concluded that your understanding is much better to worship only God and in this way you preserve your life, spirit, soul, body and people around, whoever they are: family, friends, roommates and so on.

Behind all these serving all kind of gods and idols means to serve Satan indirectly or directly and demons through all kind of sins, no matter what you think right.

I could search for many other example but the main conclusion of this biblical topic is that anyone and anything can become you god or idol: a picture, a book, a man or woman, a type of food, a car, money, house, entertainment, clothes, tv shows, a smartphone, drinking, pornography etc. 

When something or someone controls your mind directly ot indirectly, that is a sin and you just invited demon or demons in your life.

But there is something that may not think about: here comes the Lord, Jesus Christ. We all know that Jesus Christ died for us as a sacrifice on the cross for our sins, that we may not perish away from God for eternity in hell.

I believe that the main reason of Jesus Christ was to discover God, our Father in heaven and here is the result:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" - John 3:16. May you will understand that this the way of God to combat gods and idols through Jesus Christ and in this way God will distract you from these powerful gods and demons. 

The Father in heaven desired so much to discover Himself through His Son:
"He who has seen Me has seen the Father" - John 14:9. The victory of Jesus against all these gods, idols and sins was to rediscover our Father in heaven. That's why Jesus learned us to pray "Our Father in heaven..."

To defeat all kind of gods and idols, look to our Father in heaven through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father and our Savior.

You have to remain with this thought: Jesus wanted to rediscover us the Father and Jesus succeeded!

If you have something to say, say it! I'd loved to. Also you can SUBSCRIBE above to my blog to receive new posts. Pray for me, cause I really need prayers! 

God bless you all!


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