The origin of demons

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Yes! This is a important biblical topic and this will help us understand a little bit who demons are. But before to see who they are, correct is to see who they were. Yes! Who demons were before. Let us see the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, which this Book of Revelation is the biggest Revelation of Jesus Christ ("The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon take place" - Revelation 1:1):

"Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven. the great dragon was hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him" - Revelation 12: 7-9.

Isayah 14:4-20 shows us what Satan was, is and what it will be. From here we will start to see who demons are. The origin of demons! This paragraph is so important and if you miss reading this one take back your time for and read it. Don't miss it because you will understand the topic we just discuss now.

So what we have in Revelation 12:7-9?
1. A war was in heaven.
2. Michael and his angel fought against Satan and his angels.
3. Satan and his angels fought back.
4. Satan and his angels were not strong enough to resist in the fight and...
5. Their place was no more in heaven.
5. Satan and his angels (demons) were hurled on earth.

And have you noticed somethin here?
1. Why Michael and his angels fought against Satan and his angels (demons)? For this we must go in Isayah 14: 13 and 14:

"You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned of the mount of the assembly, on the utmost heights of mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the top of the clouds. I will make my self like the Most High"  - Isayah 14:13,14.

So, what we have here, in Isayah 14:13, 14 will help us understand what motivated Michael and his angels to fight against Satan and his demons:
Satan wanted to be like God and to act like God. How:
1. He wanted to go in the heavens of God and...
2. Make a throne there and...
3. To be enthroned in the front of the assembly of God (every living creation of God to see that) and...
4. enthroned of the most high cloud of God.

Michael saw the danger of what Satan (ex-Lucifer) wanted to be and act like. Satan wanted to replace God with him in the end. Satan almost convinced through deception a third part of the angels of God to be against God. Trying to replace God from His throne was one of the risens of Michael to fight against the devil. This is the sin that can't be forgiven and now this is the main risen for why God hurled the devil and his demons on the earth. What Jesus said about that? Let us see:

"I saw Satan fall like a lightning from heaven" - Luke 10:18.

Isn't enough to understand how thing were happened exactly? now you have the chance to understand how things are exactly by studying the Bible.

Why Satan was no more stronger to resist the fight back against Michael and his angels? Because Satan was against God. if you depart from God because of your sins, your are powerless, because being out of the presence of God, you are without authority! This is a low of God in Holy Spirit which is also God. The main reason that Satan couldn't resist Michael in fight was because of his sins, which brought him powerless and with no authority in heaven.

Why Satan was hurled on the earth? 

Here a two main reasons:
1. Because he had no more authority in heaven (come from his sins) and the heavens of God are holy of His presence.
2. Because, in the end, God will defeat Satan through Jesus Christ's life, death and His resurrection through the power of Holy Spirit and through these actions of love of God, He saved us (humanity) from eternal hell (prepared for Satan and for demons). And by this God has given authority to the believers of Christ to defeat the devil in all circumstances.

Hope I have given you a little understanding of the origin of the demons. Christ has defeated them and they know that. This make them despair because they will go in hell forever, a place of torment, a place of lack of God, fear, despair, remors of not keeping their place in heaven near the loving God.

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