
Showing posts with the label Sons of God

Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6? Part 2

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share as your great response! God bless you! Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels, devils, evil spirit or whatever they are. Nothing is much wrong then this thought. As I told you in the last post the sons of God the generation of Seth through Enosh until to Noah as Genesis 4:26 and all Genesis 5 relate to us. If you don't wanna analyse very well and study the Bible by this biblical topic, you won't have a real and correct understanding of what God tells us.  Why we must study the Bible?  Read Joshua 1:8 and let us see what it says: " Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything in it. Then you will be prospeous and succesful ". Nobody, including God, can change your mind otherwise you study the Bible to have a correct images of what happened in Genesis 6. Believe me! If...

Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6?

Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels. Well, is not right! Considering that angels of God had made love to the daughters of men, is a blasphemy against Holy Spirit .  By this mean, subliminal or on conscious mind, you consider that God can not be organised, is chaotic and can not be anywhere in the same time. You limited God in your mind, because you don't know the Bible. So, the sons of God turned from God to Satan and began to be evil and being possessed by demons. Do you remember when Holy Spirit was upon Mary, the virgin woman and the power was overshadowed her? Was the exactly moment when God put the seed of the Son of God in the womb of Mary without affecting her virginity.  Read much closer Matthew 1:18-24 to understand how hard was for Joseph to believe Mary that baby that she had in her womb is the Son of God, not of another man and he was almost there to divorce of Mary secretly.  Joseph didn't believed the event of Lu...

Who were the sons of God? A simple, dramatic and beautiful lesson of warning! (2)

Making shortly I want explain you something simple. When God created human being, Adam and Eve could related to God simply through the connection of Holy Spirit, because there was no sin to corrupt the world and human being. When Adam and Eve were fallen into sin, Holy Spirit depart from their bodies inner their spirits, but never left them alone! God is faithful and He never leave the people alone. Coming to the sons of God, they were believers in God. They were the root of Seth, Seth's born was a joy and a hopeful reason to praise God, Almighty. The sons of God were choosen people of real faith in power of loving God from the root of Seth that they choose after to leave God for ephemeral lust and degradation in sin. As they choose women of worldly people is the same attitude as Eve saw that the deceitful tree was beautiful and good to eat and Eve touched that tree and the fruit ate from it. The sons of God put them selves in everlasting danger of hell by leaving fait...