Why to SUBSCRIBE to my blog?
This is the second time when I write the same topic because my phone has erased the first content. So for me is really hard to write down for you. Many times is stressfull. The Blogger app and the blogger site of my blog didn't correlate the information on my smartphone, so when I got here on my blogger platform to check my posts, guess what? This topic was erased! So now let us get back to work! My mainly reason for my blog is Joshua 1:8. Let us read it: " This book of Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all what is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success " - Joshua 1:8 . The first time when I studied the Bible was at my thirteen years old about the Sabbath. I am not a Adventist, but it burdened in me to study about Sabbath. The most explicit verse was Mark 16:9 and it says this: " Now when He rose early on the fi...