The most applyable Bible verse against abortion

"Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God" - Isayah 66:9.

If God created life in mankind and procreational life through humankind, who we are to kill the unborn babies in their wombs?
Isn't Isayah 66:9 enough for you? Or you don't care what the Bible says?

You think the Bible is too old? Not too relevant to this generation?
Let me give Jeremiah 1:5, first part of the Bible verse: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!..."

If God forms kids in the wombs of the mothers, who are those persons to kill unborn babies? We are vulnerable as these unborn kids are!

A human being is a living PERSON from the moment when the man sperm and women egg get united to develope and create the new unborn baby.

Even if the unborn living baby is unconscious, feels, lives and is feeded through the umbilical cord.

We must reconsider our atitude and pray to God for our confessing of crimes against new generation of unborn babies and forgiveness.

When God gives life, we're not allowed unborn babies! Stay focus with me and let us pray!

Stop killing unborn babies!
Stop killing unborn babies!
Stop killing unborn babies!


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