What is the image of God into human being? Educational and exegetic study!

The image of God into human being is family only of man and woman. Let us see Genesis 1:27 and read it: "So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them, man and female He created them".

From this image we can develope and assume a few conclusions as we continue to think. So through this practical action of God we see a few imperative things:
1. God created family explicitely  by man and woman!
2. God has created marriage life explicitely allowed only through man and woman - husband and wife. 

From this we must protect the Bible against of all types of ungodly family concepts created and against all types ungodly protests and actions against original and natural family through man and women - husband and wife!

Also from this we can put here Deuteronomy 22:5 as it is: "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear woman's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this".

Why God detests anyone who wear different clothing than that gender's clothing as that person was created to wear? Because God created man explicitely and woman explicitely.

If we want to study the Bible for finding the right verses for natural and godly family formed of a man with his wife let's have Genesis 1:27 and Deuteronomy 22:7.

How can we protect natural godly family? First through prayer! And than peaceful and wise godly actions in streets and in our communities!
Pray for natural family that God created in Genesis 1:27!

Stay in touch on my blog described also in my Google+ PROFILE! God bless you all!


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