What shall we do with those who kill innocent animals?

Paul says in Ephenssians:
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" - Ephessians 6:12.

The flesh and blood is about human being. I deeply believe that any worst actions of people against animals is influenced by demons, bad and fallen angels. Straight out! Most of us (christians) are powerless of praying for those people who hurt and kill animals and for them is more easy to react emotionaly and phisical against those people.

Jesus Christ loves them, no matter how sinful they are. Let me give you this:
"For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16.

See? These people are from the world. I know they hurt dogs, cats, cows, sharks, monkeys etc and after they kill. Most asian people love to torment and hurt dogs before they eat them. There is dog meat market. I have sin a video on Facebook where a baby black dog was burnt alive to be eaten by three big men. That dog was tormented by that fire at least for 30 minutes. He was was hung in the tree by a wire and burned alive at low heat.

I was crying, I saw my self devastated, everything that I wanted, have and all my plans meant nothing for me. I felt without power to intervene. The dog was tormented in public place outside in yard of a city with blocks with asian citizens walking and focused on their job on the boulevard while that baby dog was screaming and yelling tormented until his voice was lower and lower. This torment took for 30 minutes at least.

You may ask where is God when these happen? Let me ask you something where you are when God asks for you? God shows in different often momenrs to seek Him and find pleasure in Him.

Where your heart is there you are. If you have God in your heart and dream abou Him, there you are. Means that God is there with you and for you because, obviously, you seek and enjoy God.

To have power to pray for those people you must put the whole armour of God on you as Paul says in Ephessians 6. Otherwise you wont be able to that.

To put the whole armour of is explicitely to Bible, to read it daily. As you read more the Bible, more you will be full of Holy Spirit, means you will be full of God. Is exactly what Jesus said that the human being is feeding even with the Word of God, not just with bread.

If you want to be able to pray for those people who torment and kill animals, seek God daily through the Bible!

God bless you all!


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