
Showing posts with the label Satan

If there is is only one God why are more than 4000 religins?

Screenshots from Facebook I have seen from Facebook the next question, which, of course, I made a screen shot, and I already gave an answer to Mamodou Lamin Bajo  on Facebook. The question sounded like this: "If there's one God, why are there more than 4000 religions?" When human being has sinned, has lost the connection with God. God was there with Adam and Eve, but they couldn't comprehend God anymore, because the sin has broken the spirit of human being. The perfect human being in greatest relationship with God has become unperfected human being in confusion of understanding God and couldn't reach in relationship with God! But something remained deep in the human being: the thirsty of eternity, the thirsty of spiritual food. But they have lost connection with God, even if He was there to support them. So how they feed themselves spiritually? Will see that... If we understand that, then we can understand why human being, people (in gener...

What is the most powerful and great weapon against demons and Satan?

Free photo from First of all let me remind you John 1:1,2,14 : " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God... And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth " - John 1:1,2,14 . What we understand here? Jesus Christ is the Word of God in flesh from the beginning and was always with God. Now let us see what says the Bible the happens with the Word of God: " who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life " - 2 Corinthians 3:6 . What also Spirit of God do in the same time? " Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty " - 2 Corinthians 3:17 . So how can we use the Word of God? There are two ways: 1. In faith for people...

How God answers to hard moments?

Hey, you! Thank you coming here! If God is speaking to you and you want to find more Bible topics, SUBSCRIBE to my blog! The connection in Luke 8 about the daughter of Jairus of twelve years old and that woman seek of flow of blood 12 years (without to know her age) it my be interesting. The mother of Jairus's daughter had born a little girl with life but at that time the death came there into Jairus's daughter. By twelve years old the girl died. That woman with flow of blood was seek 12 years continuously. More than that: she consumed all her fortune with doctors and they couldn't even heal her. During on the road of Jairus's home to her daughter of 12 years old this woman with the flow of blood of 12 years said in her heart if she touches Jesus by His garment, she will heal her self, because Jesus asked the crowd following Him who touched Him cause a power came out of Him.  And that happened. She healed her self not because she touched the garm...

The origin of demons

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share your great response! God bless you! Yes! This is a important biblical topic and this will help us understand a little bit who demons are. But before to see who they are, correct is to see who they were. Yes! Who demons were before. Let us see the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, which this Book of Revelation is the biggest Revelation of Jesus Christ (" The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon take place " - Revelation 1:1 ): " Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven. the great dragon was hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him " - Revelation 12: 7-9 . I...

Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6?

Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels. Well, is not right! Considering that angels of God had made love to the daughters of men, is a blasphemy against Holy Spirit .  By this mean, subliminal or on conscious mind, you consider that God can not be organised, is chaotic and can not be anywhere in the same time. You limited God in your mind, because you don't know the Bible. So, the sons of God turned from God to Satan and began to be evil and being possessed by demons. Do you remember when Holy Spirit was upon Mary, the virgin woman and the power was overshadowed her? Was the exactly moment when God put the seed of the Son of God in the womb of Mary without affecting her virginity.  Read much closer Matthew 1:18-24 to understand how hard was for Joseph to believe Mary that baby that she had in her womb is the Son of God, not of another man and he was almost there to divorce of Mary secretly.  Joseph didn't believed the event of Lu...

Why to subscribe to my Christian blog?

  Bible verses blog is the place where you can find how to use Bible for your daily life in a simple way. All you have to do is to have an open heart to God's Word. According to our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit will bring life to the letters of the Bible. I encourage you to read with me the Bible! All you have to do is to SUBSCRIBE with your e-mail and you will be updated to most recent new posts on this blog. The blog  is willing to give you the answers you need or still doubt about . I won't say that I know everything , but God is the only One in authority who give me revelations ( rhemas ) at the right time ! SHARE toate your friends around the glob and gives me a feedback through message box! Wait for that. Until next time God bless you all!

What is the image of God into human being? Educational and exegetic study!

The image of God into human being is family only of man and woman. Let us see Genesis 1:27 and read it: " So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them, man and female He created them ". From this image we can develope and assume a few conclusions as we continue to think. So through this practical action of God we see a few imperative things: 1. God created family explicitely  by man and woman! 2. God has created marriage life explicitely allowed only through man and woman - husband and wife.  From this we must protect the Bible against of all types of ungodly family concepts created and against all types ungodly protests and actions against original and natural family through man and women - husband and wife! Also from this we can put here Deuteronomy 22:5 as it is: " A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear woman's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this ". Why God d...

The most applyable Bible verse against abortion

" Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God " - Isayah 66:9. If God created life in mankind and procreational life through humankind, who we are to kill the unborn babies in their wombs? Isn't Isayah 66:9 enough for you? Or you don't care what the Bible says? You think the Bible is too old? Not too relevant to this generation? Let me give Jeremiah 1:5 , first part of the Bible verse: " Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!... " If God forms kids in the wombs of the mothers, who are those persons to kill unborn babies? We are vulnerable as these unborn kids are! A human being is a living PERSON from the moment when the man sperm and women egg get united to develope and create the new unborn baby . Even if the unborn living baby is unconscious, feels, lives and is feeded through the umbilical cord. We must reconsider our atitu...

Sex outside of marriage - educational subject

Sex outside  of marriage destroys the soul . Bible says the soul that sins shall die surely. What is sex outside marriage? You can be married or not and have sex even when you're not yet married or to be married. A person must keep her integrity what ever may costs. Do you know that a persons inner ibtegrity is done by the time of the right of having sex? Let me explain you that. When a man and a woman decide to get married (agreement of one for another) and never had sex before the marriage, those persons, man and woman keeps their minds, souls and spirits unperfidious, without knowing and making the evil. They remain simple, clean and keep their inner beauty! Do you know why so many have divorced and their families and children are destroyed? Because they had sex before the marriage and they couldn't manage this serious problem before God before geting married and after in-time marriage.  Do you know why so many aren't faithfull in their marriages? B...

Hypocrisy. Is this a sin?

Definetely, it is. Instead of being hypocrit, is beter to be as you are before God. Well, let see the Bible verses that show us hypocrisy is sin: 1. " If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves " - Galatians 6:3 . 2. " Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord!', and do not do what I say ?" - Luke 6:46 . 3. " Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves " - 1 Peter 2 . If you are looking only your profit of someone or of something, even if you are a heartbroken person and ignoring that, that a problem with you. Galatians 6:3 is a profound verse for me. Helps me to understand what happens with me, who I am and what I do. Also Galatians helps us realise if we are hyprocrits or not. This verse can lead us where everyone is hyprocrit his part.  If we can where is the problem of hypocrisy of each one of us in everyone's side, we can fi...

The biblical perspective of TOWER OF BABEL

When the heirs of Ham, the son of Noah, wanted to build the tower of Babel, they talk before. They were liders who talk and made that decision. When they were in the midst of construction of tower of Babel, God intervened and mixed tongues of all people  of those times. The question is why God intervened? Their action of construction of the tower of Babel represents a worship to Satan: "Let's construct a tower to touch the sky that we may not spread on the all earth!". As we understood how God intervened, we can make a picture in perspective and see this action of God is prophetic for the end of times. This generation of people try the best to construct their world wide regulations of accepting the sin as normal and as good. When the sin is in the midst of fullfilment, God will intervene and Christ will come on the skies with hundred thousands of angels to collect the Christ's faithful people who love God honestly from their hearts. I will sho...

God is not guilty of any most evil actions of humankind

This morning I saw a few evil videos of people taking lifes away of dogs in a manner that you would never thought or imaginate. I was so mad at God for that. Lucky for me I was tired and slept quickly cause I came back from night work. When I woke up afternoon at 2PM I still was thinking about those videos and I realised it wasn't at all God's fault for those evil acts of people inspired by Satan and his evil angels. When God created Adam and Eve, God warned them not to touch and eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, cause they will die surely in spirit. So Adam and Eve chose to break the commandment of God influenced by Devil to touch and eat that tree fruit. Of course Satan is guilty for influention in Adam and Eve's decision, but both decided to break the commandment of God. Adam and Eve chose to sin against God. So when we see all unimaginable evil actions against human being, animal and nature we are tempted to put guilty on God. We ask our selfs where i...

Why Judas is called a devil by Jesus Christ?

Well, let me give some Bible verses! Right? First let see what Jesus Christ said in John 6:70 : " Jesus answered to them, 'Did I not choose you, the twelve, and  one of you is a devil? " Matthew 12:30 . Here Jesus said: " He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad ". My question is: only Satan and demons are against God? Any man or woman who is against God, conscious or not, deliberate or not, is as Satan and demons. What exactly happened when Judas, the Iscariot, worked against Jesus Christ? Even if he desired so much to make Jesus Christ emperor of Israel or he couldn't supports the word of Jesus in John 6, Satan observed that. Judas was a weak vessel very vulnerable, because he didn't wanted to open his heart for Jesus. The Bible say in John and that Satan entered Judas and he desired so much to betray Jesus and in fact he did it. Let's put our hearts to seek God as Matthew 6:33 ...

How Satan deceived Eve on her identity?

Hope that this word giving to you will make you free as Jesus said Bible verse John 8:32 . Not prolong to much, let's read together Bible verses from Genesis 1:26,27 , because is very powerful: " The God said, "Let us make man in Our image, according to our likeness...". So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them ". To understand better, we must take " Our image " and " Our likeness " as the key words of this subject. 1. What is the image of God? Simple answer according to Genesis 1:27 the image of God is male and female mankind creation. You have to remember what Jesus said in John 4:24 that God is Spirit. I have a question now: if God is Spirit, how is man created by God? The man is spirit created by God who is Spirit, has a soul and lives in flesh. Let me give you the Bible verse for that: Job 32:8, Proverbs 20:27 and Romans 8:16 2. What is the liken...

Why Satan choose to temptate Eve?

Why? What I believe is that Eve didn't hear from God the words of awareness directly from God as Adam have heard. It is sure that Adam said to Eve what God has commanded him. What God said to Adam? " Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die " - Genesis 2:16 . Satan was so smoothly and when he saw Eve alone, he was so smart to deceive her that he manipulate her, convincing her to see that tree beautiful and good to eat. And what she done? She ate that fruit and gave even to Adam from that fruit. What God said to Adam you can find in Genesis 2:16 . That moment was so intensive and you may never thought about of that moment could change the world completely. You may say that Adam should pay more attention of Eve. Well, I don't know what to say... It's up to you! You won't lose everlasting life through if you think that. Wha...

Great revelation: the new creation!

We know that God created Adam and Eve beautiful, with no defects. That was first creation on man and woman. God created human being on the earth to live forever in a great vertical relationship with God and in a great horizontal relationship with people. Satan broke this human being perfection of God through sin and dies spiritually first. If you take a time less than 10 minutes to read Genesis 1and 2q- you will understand. Adam and Even were created by God, but they were corrupted by sin now. What we see here? Three difficulties: 1. Satan is the origin is sin and enemy of God from the beginning, that affected the humankind. 2. Satan has corrupted the humankind through sin so dramatically to destroy her, and became even world's enemy. 3. Humankind is in danger to lose everlasting life with God forever, going to hell unfortunately. Humankind is corrupted by sin. What must be done? Seeing that sin has interfaced the spiritual way from Satan first, Lucifer must be destroye...

Jesus is the greatest Alien above all!

Alien means extraterrestrial, somebody more than human being. To understand what means alien we have to see that all angels and demons are aliens! What ever you in entertainment movies is nothing. Let's see what about our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Greatest of the greatests! First let's see what Luke 1:35 says when the virgin Mary asked the angel of God how she will have the Son of God in her womb: " The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest One will overshadow you; therefore, also, the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God" . Is that verse make you clear? If not let me give you another one. Let's see what John 1:3 says: " All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made ".  If this verse is not enough, let me give you Daniel 3:24,25 where the three friends of Daniel were cast in fiery furnace because they didn't wanna worship and to bow dow...

Why I don't believe in marriage between angels and women?

Photo taken from Fanpop My strong belief is in Genesis 1:26 , where God created man and woman according to His image and  likeness, if God can create and procreate, even man and woman. Is there in the Bible that shows us angels are created as God's image and likeness, which mean to create and procreate? No. There's no verse in the Bible for that. Another verse in the Word of God is Genesis 1:28 . Have you ever read a verse for angels where God said to grow up and multiply? No. Only to human beings is this blessing. I do believe that JESUS Christ has been conceived in virgin Mary's womb when the power of the Highest One was overshadowed her, when Holy Spirit was upon Mary. To consider this connection between fallen angels and women is a mockery to Holy Spirit in link with the conceived and birth of Jesus Christ. Is a mockery of all things created by God through Jesus Christ, His Son. I believe that those sons of God who connected with the women of...

Who still stops the Antichrist to show himself?

Well, that is a important question? To understand better this title, we must read again 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Let's read it: "Let no one in any way to deceive you , for it will not come unless apostasy comes first, and (than) the man of laulessness will be revealed, the son of perdition". And than Paul says to Thessalonians this: "And you know what is stopping the man of evil now. He is being stoped so that he will appear at the right time" - 2 Thessalonians 2:6 . This is what the Bible says! So let's see who stops the Antichrist to show, to opposite and bring blasphemy to God! Is you and the Holy Spirit who still stops the Antichrist to show himself . Let me tell you something: when the blood of Jesus Christ will be washed away from the world, then the Antichrist will show! All real Christians, truly worshipers of Holy Spirit that really sick of God in this world have a big influence in the peace of the world. Whatever the president of ...

The greatest witchcraft at the mondial level When it will come?

We know that witchcraft is a sin that however is involve communication and learning with demons. That was in times of Noah, of Nimrod, in times of king Paul of Israel and in our times. If you go back in Old Testament, Bible, the book 1 Kings 19 , you will see there Elijah who ask God to throw the fire from heaven to Earth on the sacrifice before whole Israel against of the work of Satan in the land of the promised Land of Jacob. In Revelation 13 is written and also prophecies that the Antichrist will throw form heaven on Earth fire before the whole deceived world. People will be drunken in worship for Satan without to know that they are deceived because they didn't wanna receive the love of God. In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 , Paul speaks to Christians of that time that God will let the world to believe a work of Satan because they have choose to deny and reject the love of God. So many will be deceived by Satan through Antichrist and through deceiving prophet of S...