
Showing posts with the label Jesus

Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6? Part 2

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share as your great response! God bless you! Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels, devils, evil spirit or whatever they are. Nothing is much wrong then this thought. As I told you in the last post the sons of God the generation of Seth through Enosh until to Noah as Genesis 4:26 and all Genesis 5 relate to us. If you don't wanna analyse very well and study the Bible by this biblical topic, you won't have a real and correct understanding of what God tells us.  Why we must study the Bible?  Read Joshua 1:8 and let us see what it says: " Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything in it. Then you will be prospeous and succesful ". Nobody, including God, can change your mind otherwise you study the Bible to have a correct images of what happened in Genesis 6. Believe me! If...

Who is realy the human being?

In this world, in this society, you will always find people who say you are nothing, worthless, you are not a great person and many other words based on what they think or see in apearence to you. Well, in reality as is, you are the creation of God, you have His image and you are according to His likeness as Genesis 1:26 says: " Then God said: 'Let Us make mab in our image, according to our likeness... " - Genesis 1:26 . What Genesis 1:27 reveals us? " So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created Him; male and female He created them " - Genesis 1:27. So the image of God is male and female - man and woman. This verse is more profound. What other thing Genesis 1:27 reveals us? Well, in this verse says this: " So God created man in His own image (1); in the image of God He created Him (2); male and female He created them (3)" - Genesis 1:27 . Which God created Adam and Eve? Look once again in this verse. Let ...

Facebook and Google work closely with National US Department of advanced nanotechnology to control you

First of all let me give you a announce: the National Department of advanced nanobot technologies works very closer with Google and Facebook to create nanobots to implement in human bodies that will analise and create deeper analytic datas about everyone to control our society from inside out from outside to inside. These nanobots will circulate through our blood veins in our human organs as brain, liver, heart, muscles etc to determinate biological functionalities and to determinate phisical and psichical behaviors. The most manipulator action will be to human brain to determinate and prevent behaviors that will create posibble future viewable actions against people around the world. They will come with the false idea that these nanobots will prevent any disease and will help doctors to create perfect actions to keep you healthy.  They will come with false idea that they will protect you from terorists, but there is nothing true just to control you as pers...

What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

As I told you, we are so afraid to think about this subject, because we are afraid of God, which means we don't know Him. The blasphemy against Holy Spirit is continously sin against God. This repetition of sin, will grow cold you so much and will off the light of Holy Spirit inner you forever. You must remember that the blasphemy against Holy Spirit can't be forgiven these end times, nor next generations. Why can't be forgiven this sin ? The answer is simple: no one than Holy Spirit drives us to salvation in Jesus Christ, the Son of God Almighty! Do you remember what Jesus Christ said to apostles: the Holy Spirit will glorify Me. The last One who will bring you in the glory of God, the Father, is Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. Remember that the Bible says that those who have the signature of Holy Spirit, which glorifies Jesus Christ, will be taken to God! Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, said to the multitude of jewish people: who ever is no...

How to defeat the devil with the Sword of Holy Spirit?

I am pretty sure that you remember when Jesus has defeated the devil in wilderness. He wasn't alone. He has been accompanied by God, our Father in heaven and by the Spirit of God. How to defeat the devil? For that you will need to know God. But how to know God if you don't read the Bible? To need God for defeating devil isn't something to force you. Is about that is your Father in heaven which He loves. Remind that! God , the Father in heaven, really loves you!  Reading and meditate the Bible will help you be filled with Holy Spirit, meanwhile, slowly, day by day, you will have a relationship with God. Let me give you one example: do you remembe when Mary, the mother of Jesus and Joseph, the step father have lost Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem, seeking Him for three days? When His parents found Jesus in the Temple, what do you think He said to His parent: " How is it that you sought Me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house? " - Luke 2:4...

Why the Bible is so important?

I have to Bible verses for this subject and these are Joshua 1:8 and 2 Timothy 3:16 . When you face temptation, trials and other unexpected situations (even are good or bad), you need to know the Bible to handle. Before giving you these Bible verse I want to give strong Bible verse from John 6:63 . Let see this Bible verse: "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life".  This Bible verse is so profound and was spoken by Jesus, not by any apostle of Jesus! When Jesus was tempted by Satan, He defeated Satan with the Bible. Now cause you saw the Bible verse above, let's see what Joshua 1:8 say: " This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success". Now let's see what 2 Timothy 3:16 say a...