Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6? Part 2
Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share as your great response! God bless you! Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels, devils, evil spirit or whatever they are. Nothing is much wrong then this thought. As I told you in the last post the sons of God the generation of Seth through Enosh until to Noah as Genesis 4:26 and all Genesis 5 relate to us. If you don't wanna analyse very well and study the Bible by this biblical topic, you won't have a real and correct understanding of what God tells us. Why we must study the Bible? Read Joshua 1:8 and let us see what it says: " Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything in it. Then you will be prospeous and succesful ". Nobody, including God, can change your mind otherwise you study the Bible to have a correct images of what happened in Genesis 6. Believe me! If...