Dear fellows, hard times will come!

I don't know why and is not my intention or to manipulate someone or to drive traffic on my blog, but I feel deeply in my heart will come soon hard times.

We must stay and keep closer to God as much as we can, cause always Holy Spirit will be for us. Confess before any sin you have and study the Bible. This action of studing the Bible will complete your heart day by day, cause Holy Spirit will teach you and make the Bible alive in you!

God is faithful and trustful, because is different then human mind. He acts in grace different then human. God is holy and will make you holy.

If you have any fear or scary thought of death in your mind, bring it before God. God is not a God of weakness. God is stronger, Comforter and Jesus Christ, our Lord said He let us His peace, that peace different then the world say will give you.

God is beautiful and glorious! He defeated Satan on the cross and by His resurrection. Devil has no power over you: that is what you need to understand! God is the Lord, the Commander, the King of all kings, the Ruler of all rulers and the Lord of all lords!

God almighty is powerfull and, honestly, there is no one like Him! He is with broken hearted! He is for those who scream to Him for salvation and redemption. What God promises, He fulfill!

Praise God all the time of your life! Never forget to praise God all the time! Give glory to God all the time!


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