
Why Jesus Christ died for us?

There are at least 4 reasons for sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ and I will try to give you Bible verses to read 1. God loves the world . Some of you know this theoretically and some of you know this practically. According to John 3:16 , we can understand that love of God is unconditionally ( 1 Peter 4:8 ) - read this Bible verse. 2. God saw the danger beyond the sin. The real danger is death in hell forever, where demons will go. Obviously I will give again the Bible verse John 3:16b : " that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life ". 3. We are created as His image, according to His likeness . For this reason God is motivated to save us through His only begotten Son Remember that God is jealous for us, in our advantage, because we belong to God. Everything belongs to God - Psalm 89:11. Let's see this: "The heavens are Yours, the earth is also Yours; the world and all its fullness, You have found them". 4. Sata...

Why God is jealous?

To this question you have to remind yourself that God created the heavens, the earth and all people around the world. Well let's talk shortly about the motivation of jealousy of God. The real motive, the real reason of jealousy of God is you and me . Yes! You and me. Have you forgotten that Father in heaven has sent us, to all people, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. If you think about the jealousy of God, think about the sacrifice of His beautiful and beloved Son, Jesus Christ. For our Father in heaven wasn't at all easy to give His beloved Son to die for our sins . God is so jealous on us, all people around the world, that we may not lose everlasting life with Jesus Christ, that He may save us through His beloved Son. Because God loves us, Him having in mind that God created us and we belong to Him, His jealousy has motivated Him, has brought our Father in heaven to send Jesus Christ for us. God saw the danger against the people to go in hell, place ...

In the days of peace seek the Lord

On these days of safety if we will not challenge us to seek with much more passion God, might be in our disadvantage. We should motivate our selves to seek God daily because of the future that it may not be friendly with us. More than that: it might be very evil. Even if we fill that we still live in peaceful days, our Lord should be daily our first priority. We don't know when a war can start, or a accident could happen, or a disease may attack someone etc, we have to be ready for everything. Remember Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Paul, Jesus Christ and many they were able to face a lot of evil challenges and they overcome the evil with glory for God. Seeking the Lord in His Word and prayer, might sound religious, but that's a lie. Seeking the Lord in His Word and prayer is a very great and very useful, and make us very strong inner us. As I told you, our Lord, God, should be daily our first priority. Pray is talking with God and Holy Spirit will guide you. Study the...

Why the Bible is so important? (2)

As I told you before, is very important to read the Bible and I gave you the Bible verse from John 6:63. Jesus said with His mouth these words below: " Is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life ". Now let me show you something in the Bible what apostle Paul said. Pay very close attention! " Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life " - 2 Corinthians 3:6. Another important verse in the Bible is that Jesus proofed us that He is the truth. How helps us the truth? " And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free " - John 8:32 . The truth is the value of the society and society must develope with this practical principle. Is very important to read the Bible and Holy Spirit will guide you to every situation you need to solve. Read the Bible and yo...

Why Satan choose to temptate Eve?

Why? What I believe is that Eve didn't hear from God the words of awareness directly from God as Adam have heard. It is sure that Adam said to Eve what God has commanded him. What God said to Adam? " Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die " - Genesis 2:16 . Satan was so smoothly and when he saw Eve alone, he was so smart to deceive her that he manipulate her, convincing her to see that tree beautiful and good to eat. And what she done? She ate that fruit and gave even to Adam from that fruit. What God said to Adam you can find in Genesis 2:16 . That moment was so intensive and you may never thought about of that moment could change the world completely. You may say that Adam should pay more attention of Eve. Well, I don't know what to say... It's up to you! You won't lose everlasting life through if you think that. Wha...

What is the sin?

Making short, if you want to understand what is the sin, you have to go in Genesis, chapter 2 , when Eve has been tempted by Satan. Important is to see how she has been tempted by Satan. What the Bible says about Eve? She saw the tree of knowledge beautiful and good to eat because she believed the lying words of Satan. One more is to see the origin of sin, when Lucifer (Satan) wanted to be like God. He saw himself the most beautiful angel and had the biggest position in heaven of God. He was the liders of worship and praising. He was a good commercial person - Ezekiel 28:16 . He was in Eden before humankind being created (read Ezekiel 28:13, Luke 10:18 ). People say that the origin of sin is pride, is Lucifer. It might be that. What I say here is that the sin is any action that comes against God in any way, no matter how. This is the sin.  Why God is against the sin? Well, I have a answer for that: discover God and you will see how is God. The answer is simple: God is Holy...

Why the Bible is so important?

I have to Bible verses for this subject and these are Joshua 1:8 and 2 Timothy 3:16 . When you face temptation, trials and other unexpected situations (even are good or bad), you need to know the Bible to handle. Before giving you these Bible verse I want to give strong Bible verse from John 6:63 . Let see this Bible verse: "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words I speak to you are spirit, and they are life".  This Bible verse is so profound and was spoken by Jesus, not by any apostle of Jesus! When Jesus was tempted by Satan, He defeated Satan with the Bible. Now cause you saw the Bible verse above, let's see what Joshua 1:8 say: " This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success". Now let's see what 2 Timothy 3:16 say a...

Great revelation: the new creation!

We know that God created Adam and Eve beautiful, with no defects. That was first creation on man and woman. God created human being on the earth to live forever in a great vertical relationship with God and in a great horizontal relationship with people. Satan broke this human being perfection of God through sin and dies spiritually first. If you take a time less than 10 minutes to read Genesis 1and 2q- you will understand. Adam and Even were created by God, but they were corrupted by sin now. What we see here? Three difficulties: 1. Satan is the origin is sin and enemy of God from the beginning, that affected the humankind. 2. Satan has corrupted the humankind through sin so dramatically to destroy her, and became even world's enemy. 3. Humankind is in danger to lose everlasting life with God forever, going to hell unfortunately. Humankind is corrupted by sin. What must be done? Seeing that sin has interfaced the spiritual way from Satan first, Lucifer must be destroye...

What is God?

Is this a wrong question? Well we'll see going on this text cause what I am about to expose that might make you think. When we limit God in our hearts, we block God to revelate Him self in our hearts in the frequency of the Bible! Some people say that God is Spirit. Well, here is Ok. Jesus Christ, the Son of God explains simply that God is Spirit in John 4:24 . The next question is what is Spirit? Some people say that the Spirit of God is the mind of God. Well, how that come? I cannot understand that. Genesis 1: 2 say something very interesting. Let see that: " The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. (Watch next) And THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS HOVERING OVER THE FACE OF THE WATERS ". Guys, do you get that? Some people say that God's mind is Holy Spirit and the Bible says the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters? The Bible is the infallible and unfailing truth of God. Who should I believe? The Bible. ...

Jesus is the greatest Alien above all!

Alien means extraterrestrial, somebody more than human being. To understand what means alien we have to see that all angels and demons are aliens! What ever you in entertainment movies is nothing. Let's see what about our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Greatest of the greatests! First let's see what Luke 1:35 says when the virgin Mary asked the angel of God how she will have the Son of God in her womb: " The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest One will overshadow you; therefore, also, the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God" . Is that verse make you clear? If not let me give you another one. Let's see what John 1:3 says: " All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made ".  If this verse is not enough, let me give you Daniel 3:24,25 where the three friends of Daniel were cast in fiery furnace because they didn't wanna worship and to bow dow...

Why I don't believe in marriage between angels and women?

Photo taken from Fanpop My strong belief is in Genesis 1:26 , where God created man and woman according to His image and  likeness, if God can create and procreate, even man and woman. Is there in the Bible that shows us angels are created as God's image and likeness, which mean to create and procreate? No. There's no verse in the Bible for that. Another verse in the Word of God is Genesis 1:28 . Have you ever read a verse for angels where God said to grow up and multiply? No. Only to human beings is this blessing. I do believe that JESUS Christ has been conceived in virgin Mary's womb when the power of the Highest One was overshadowed her, when Holy Spirit was upon Mary. To consider this connection between fallen angels and women is a mockery to Holy Spirit in link with the conceived and birth of Jesus Christ. Is a mockery of all things created by God through Jesus Christ, His Son. I believe that those sons of God who connected with the women of...

What about Judah, the Iscariot?

Someone said that Judah couldn't hear anymore the words of Jesus from John, chapter 6 in the New Testament, the Bible. Another persons say that he wanted to make Jesus Christ emperor in Israel due to his miracles and wonders He done, facts that made JESUS Christ, the Son of God to win and gain popularity from all citizens of Israel. Do you know what Jesus said about Judah, the Iscariot? That he is a devil! What? He is a devil? But Judah is a human being. Is not like a demon! Right? Well, Jesus knew better why he said that. When someone works against God the Father, against Jesus Christ and against Holy Spirit is a devil. As angels and demons are spirits, even human beings are spirits. Don't forget that! Let's's see Jesus Christ's words: "Jesus answered them, "Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?" He (JESUS) spoke of Judah Iscariot, the son of Simon, for it was he who would betray Him, being one of twelve" - John 6:...

3 Bible verses that Jesus Christ is the Creator

Well, that's a good question from where we can start. Remember Genesis 1:26 says this: " Let Us make a man in Our Image, according to Our likeness..." . If you see I bolded and underlined the word " Us ", because God spoke to plural, person one, when They made the man in Their image, according to Their likeness. Another important verse in the Bible is John 1:3-5 , where we can see the preincarnate work of Christ. Let's see that: " All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness did not comprehend it ". To make all clear I just wanna give another strong paragraph from the Bible, Colossians 1:16 . Let's read it: " For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on the earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through H...

Praise the Lord - the key of victory in temptations

There is no Christian who is not facing temptation in his or her life. Even our Lord, Jesus Christ has been tempted by Satan, but successfully has defeated Satan by the Word of God. The paragraph from Judges 7 shows us how to defeat out battles: worship and praise the Lord daily!  Now let me tell you something: devil knows that worship is a great key of victory of God in our lifes and devil is fighting hard that we may not see worship and praise to God is not valuable, is in vain and useless. Well that's a big lie, cause Jesus called Satan the father of lie! Gideon and 300 were praising and worshiping the Lord on the road of fight and they had the victory against Midianites.  What Jesus said about in prayer "Our Father in heaven" that "do not lead us into temptation". Well, the apostle Paul said to Corinthians that God will not allow temptation over our power to defeat us and God finds a way to escape from temptation.  When Jesus was tempted b...

Not by strength and power, but by My Spirit

You may you read when Holy Spirit was hovering on the dark surface on the Earth at the beginning of the world, when our planet still didn't have a form and was void. Right in that time, when Holy Spirit was hovering over the surface of the Earth, God said "Let there be the light" and it was - Genesis 1:3. When Jesus healed people from their diseases, He simply said "Be healed" - Luke 5:13 , because Holy Spirit was upon Jesus Christ - Isayah 61:1 . When the virgin Mary asked the angel how she will have the Son of God in her womb, the angel answered: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God" - Luke 1:35 . When Gideon had to fight against Midianites, God has guide Gideon to chose only 300 people who lap the water like dogs of whole camp of Israel, those who were completely unskilled to fight. The camp of Midianites wer...

Who still stops the Antichrist to show himself?

Well, that is a important question? To understand better this title, we must read again 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Let's read it: "Let no one in any way to deceive you , for it will not come unless apostasy comes first, and (than) the man of laulessness will be revealed, the son of perdition". And than Paul says to Thessalonians this: "And you know what is stopping the man of evil now. He is being stoped so that he will appear at the right time" - 2 Thessalonians 2:6 . This is what the Bible says! So let's see who stops the Antichrist to show, to opposite and bring blasphemy to God! Is you and the Holy Spirit who still stops the Antichrist to show himself . Let me tell you something: when the blood of Jesus Christ will be washed away from the world, then the Antichrist will show! All real Christians, truly worshipers of Holy Spirit that really sick of God in this world have a big influence in the peace of the world. Whatever the president of ...

When the Antichrist will come?

Ok. What the Bible say about this? We know that Antichrist must come. Right? There is no doubt about this. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is written: "Let no one in any way to deceived you, for it will not come unless apostasy will comes first, and (than) the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition". So when the Antichrist will come? After the apostasy. Let me tell you what I believe is apostasy: is the fallen of faith; more clear: rejection of Christ by the world. How is this apostasy? Daily. By ungodly advertising, ungodly movies, ungodly music and dance, ungodly entertainment so and so. Someone is coming to you, to tell you that Jesus Christ, the Son of God sacrificed for us, for the world, He was resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit and stands from that time forever to the right hand of God! He died for you sins and you reject Jesus Christ. Why Jesus Christ died for us ? God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit saw the danger that humankind risks to...

The greatest witchcraft at the mondial level When it will come?

We know that witchcraft is a sin that however is involve communication and learning with demons. That was in times of Noah, of Nimrod, in times of king Paul of Israel and in our times. If you go back in Old Testament, Bible, the book 1 Kings 19 , you will see there Elijah who ask God to throw the fire from heaven to Earth on the sacrifice before whole Israel against of the work of Satan in the land of the promised Land of Jacob. In Revelation 13 is written and also prophecies that the Antichrist will throw form heaven on Earth fire before the whole deceived world. People will be drunken in worship for Satan without to know that they are deceived because they didn't wanna receive the love of God. In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 , Paul speaks to Christians of that time that God will let the world to believe a work of Satan because they have choose to deny and reject the love of God. So many will be deceived by Satan through Antichrist and through deceiving prophet of S...

Two Bible verses that Antichrist will copy Jesus Christ

The first Bible verse is Isayah 61:1 . Let's read it: " The Spirit of God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaime liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound ". The explanation of this first verse is the spirit of the first Antichrist will be Satan himself. The fruit of his works is in opposition with the work of God, that you can find in Revelation 13 and in the next verse down below. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 . Read them both to understand: " Let no one deceive you by no means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposed and exalts himself above all that is called God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God ".  The explanation of these verses is if you remember when God wanted Solomon, the son of David, to create and cons...

Two Bible verses that is not allowed to talk with demons!

The question is why? When our Lord, Jesus Christ, has delivered people from demons, He never talk with demons even if He could. Well! You can talk to demons command them to leave the people in Jesus Christ's name, but never talk with them. I will show you a few small references from the Bible. Well, let's see! Genesis 3:1-7 . Eve has chooses to talk with Satan rather than command him to leave her and Adam forever in Jesus Christ's name. What happened? You know better and we must handle this with the help of Jesus Christ. Humankind has become corrupted in sin and is vulnerable to death and sickness and that has cost our Lord, Jesus Christ, His life on the cross. In this way God has recovered what Satan has stolen. Luke 9:37-42. Here Jesus rebuked the demon that tormented that boy and never talk with that demon. Why we can't talk with demons? Because Satan and demons are sly! They no more have the characteristics of God, because they choose to leav...

Pray for United States of America!

Most of you may noticed that the second influence in the world after Israel, is USA, United States of America. I deeply believe that we all have to pray for America. So many attack the actual president of United States of America, Donald Trump's and we are not called to attack him as authority for us before God's decision. We are called to pray for our authorities so we may live in peace! Stop attacking people that God put them in authority so we may not be judged by God, our Father in heaven. God loves us but also we have to remember that God is the Lord! Instead pray for them. Pray for Donald Trump to have wise decision and be afraid of God! If you see America has slowly falling from principles of God, pray for that! If Paul has strongly advices us to pray for all authorities over us he knew well that. Look in times he lived, times where persecution of Christians was all over the Kindom of Israel. Even Jesus was crucified by Jewish and Romans! Pray in ...

Two Bible verses to pray for Israel

Genesis 12:3 " I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and whoever curses you (Israel), I will curse. And all the people (other translations is for families) will bless in you (Israel) ". Have you ever thought about that the whole world is about the peace of Israel? Let me tell you something: all the global politics decided are finally going against Israel , because the world will lose slowly the principles of Bible. Take a look in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-6. When the sin and witchcraft will wash away the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the falling away of faith will come and only then the Antichrist will go in Jerusalem to pretend in the Temple of God that He is God. I believe that all history is around Israel. Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Pray for Israel! Is so important for your life, for your family, for your job, for yo...

Two Bible verses who is the Holy Spirit?

Source: What I am thinking is that we don't know exactly who is Holy Spirit. I am not pretending I know exactly, but is important to understand that Holy Spirit is God, part of Trinity and Holy Spirit is the Lord. I will show you two verses from Bible which are John 4:24 and 2 Corinthians 3:17. Let's see what is in John 4:24 " God is Spirit... ". These words were come out from the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, not from a prophet ori from a Christian disciple. What means John 4:24 that God is Spirit? Holy Spirit is one hundred percent God, which means that Holy Spirit is Might, Creator, Powerful, Honest, Kind, Comforter and Redeemer. John 4:24 shows us Holy Spirit have authority over heavens and Earth. 2 Corinthians 3:17 . Let's see this verse: "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty". Did you noticed that? The Holy Spirit is the Lord but also you see in the last verse abo...

4 Bible verses about the mark of the beast

Most of us believe that the microchip designed by big veterinary companies are destined for us, people, all over the world to control our lifes, our children, our jobs, our health care etc. The real purpose of this is to glorify Satan in the end. I don't believe that those microchips represent a way for Satan to control people. I don't believe that those microchips are the ultimate"weapons" against human people. Let me show a few verses from the Bible. I cannot write them down, but I will give you one written and the rest you can read them from the Bible. Let me give you some Bible verses: Deuteronomy 11:18 " Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes".   The other verses are Deuteronomy 11:13, Exodus 13:9,16 . All these verses must be correlated with Revelation 13:15-18 . In fact is a celebration for Satan. ...

The fallen angels and mankind's women

For some of you, maybe majority, the belief is that angels of God were inlove with mankind's women. Well, I have some doubts about that because I see in the Bible at Genesis book that God has created human being in His image and according to His likeness. Let's see that in Genesis 1:26. " Then God said: "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness... ". Is in Bible any verse where to find that God created angels as created man? No. So the angels cannot procreate as men and women can do. Let me show that from Genesis 1:28 . Let's see that: " Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it... ". So there is no verse where we can see that the angels would be able to procreate no matter if they would transform in human bodies to attract women. What I believe it was happened in Noah's time was that the real believers of God have a covenant with very worldly...

The proof that Jesus Christ was conceived by Holy Spirit in Mary's womb

First of all we must understand that the Bible is made by pieces, in a manner that the stories, the events and the prophecies of the Bible are not written in chronological way. All these are like a puzzle and here you need Holy Spirit to understand. I will try to put in a chronological way all events that are connected with the conceived baby Jesus and His birth. Matthew come to tell us straight away, with no precedent event, that Joseph have seen the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her womb before they live together.  He was wondering how this is possible? Is there another man who sleep with her? As was her turn, Mary tried to explain, according to the Gospel of Luke 1: 26-38 , to Joseph the amazing and marked appearing of the angel of God that announce her that the Holy Spirit will conceive in her womb the Son of God. Well, Joseph was thinking about these words of Mary, as happened. Being honest and a just man he decides to hide the Virgin Mary from the eyes o...

The great revelation of Matthew 7:23

What is about? Well Matthew 7: 23 says that: " And then I will declare to them: "I never KNEW you; depart from Me, you who work lawlessness ". So what is about this verb " KNEW "? It's about the unity and identity in Jesus Christ and in the Father in heaven through Holy Spirit. Let's see Romans 8:11: " But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead DWELLS in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who DWELLS in you ". Now let's take a look to Romans 8:15. " For you did not receive a spirit of bondage again to fear, but you receive a Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father ". So in these first two Bible verses we see our identity in God as children of Him by Holy Spirit. It's so important!!! Galatians 5: 24-25 shows us to live in God and how. Let's see! " And those who are Christ's have crucified the fl...

What you missed from John 18:36?

Well, me tell you that this verse is about the identity of Christ which was important for Him to fulfill the Word of God and prophecies of grace. Lets see the verse mentioned in the title of what Jesus Christ said: " My KINDOM is not of this world. If My kindom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My KINDOM is not from here ". Did you noticed Bold (B) words from the verse above? Yes! That's what I am telling you! Those words were come out from the mouth of Jesus! What this mean? Shortly , cause we don't have enough time, if you remember Jesus Christ said this world is settled in Satan through, well is about that Jesus will over come Satan and this sinful world when He will come back on the skies among of millions of angels. I cannot explain you to much right now because of time you can study closer the Bible relating to this subject. Why still is not the world part of the Kindom of G...

What did Judas felt when Satan entered him?

Honestly I don't know sure that. All I can tell from the word of God is that Satan is subtle, is a stealer, a liar and a killer. Now did you see how end up Judas. He felt down with his had broken in two from the middle on the valley taken by him with the price of unrighteousness. Satan was there when Judas died. Judas was so enthusiastic to betray the Son of God thinking that in this way Jesus, forced by situation, might become in the middle of the night the King of Israel. Judas did not saw that was not God and that action associated with devil's plan. This is the reason for why Satan entered Judas and Jesus saw that. Conclusion ! Remember what Jesus said to His three disciples (Peter, James and John) in the garden of Gethsemane: " Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak " - Matthew 26:41.   Do you remember what Jesus learned the crowds: " But seek first the Kindom of God...

Why Judas, Iscariot, betrayed Jesus Christ, our Lord?

The references for us will be : 1. John 8:44 where is written: " You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it ". 2. Matthew 27:4 where is written: "... I have sinned by betraying innocent blood ". Ok! Judas doesn't love money as we thought he might done that. He had a vision beyond the money: seeing Christ Jesus king of Israel. Right? Didn't Priests and Pharisees preaching will come a Messiah to save them from Roman occupation. Yes. There is a Messiah, but not the way they missinterpret, because they didn't knew the Bible. Also Judas knew the same missinterpretation as religious liders preached. This is kind of Jesus wanted Judas enthroned in Israel as king: making different miracles, healing blind and dept...

Jesus defeated Satan and demons in Psalm 40

Welcome back on this blog and I want to share with in this title just two things: 1. The vulnerability of human nature in Christ (if you know the moment of Jesus in Ghetsemani, you can understand. It's not the only one) 2. The real fight in prayer and in action of Jesus. First remember that God has anointing David with the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit that glorifies Jesus Christ according to John chapters 14 and 16. As you understand this, you can find Psalm 40 is prophetic Psalm of David about what Jesus will do when He will be here on Earth, where Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ in David. 1. The vulnerability of human nature in Christ Psalm 40:11 " Do not withhold Your tender mercies from, O Lord ; let Your lovingkindness and Your truth continually preserve me ". Psalm 40:12 " For innumerable evils have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than hairs of my head; therefore my heart fails me...

The reason of the sacrifice of Jesus for us

WHY Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was able to die for us, for our sons? What motivated Jesus? You know, in His structure God is love and He loves all people of many kind. The humankind is in danger to lose everlasting life with God and here God intercomes to save us through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, from sons and everyone who accepts and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of his/her life, shall not perish, but have everlasting life with God. The motivation of His powerful strength to gave His life for us were God and humankind. Jesus loved them both. Let me show something: 1. Psalm 40:7, 8 "Then I said: "Behold, I come; In the scroll of the Book it is written of me. I delight to do your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart". I want to you to see something here: - Lord Jesus delights (is happy; desires) to do God's will; - the Law of God is within Jesus's heart (woooow! amazing!). Why Jesus Christ delights to do God's...