In the days of peace seek the Lord

On these days of safety if we will not challenge us to seek with much more passion God, might be in our disadvantage. We should motivate our selves to seek God daily because of the future that it may not be friendly with us. More than that: it might be very evil.

Even if we fill that we still live in peaceful days, our Lord should be daily our first priority. We don't know when a war can start, or a accident could happen, or a disease may attack someone etc, we have to be ready for everything. Remember Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Paul, Jesus Christ and many they were able to face a lot of evil challenges and they overcome the evil with glory for God.

Seeking the Lord in His Word and prayer, might sound religious, but that's a lie. Seeking the Lord in His Word and prayer is a very great and very useful, and make us very strong inner us.

As I told you, our Lord, God, should be daily our first priority. Pray is talking with God and Holy Spirit will guide you. Study the Bible will help you discover God as you may never thought. So seeking the Lord in His Word and prayer is very very very useful!

Don't forget that God loves us and He is a jealous God for He wants us with all His heart. He is our Father. Share with your friends this post, that they may read.

God bless you and comment down below!


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