When the Antichrist will come?

Ok. What the Bible say about this? We know that Antichrist must come. Right? There is no doubt about this.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 is written:
"Let no one in any way to deceived you, for it will not come unless apostasy will comes first, and (than) the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition".

So when the Antichrist will come? After the apostasy. Let me tell you what I believe is apostasy: is the fallen of faith; more clear: rejection of Christ by the world.

How is this apostasy? Daily. By ungodly advertising, ungodly movies, ungodly music and dance, ungodly entertainment so and so. Someone is coming to you, to tell you that Jesus Christ, the Son of God sacrificed for us, for the world, He was resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit and stands from that time forever to the right hand of God! He died for you sins and you reject Jesus Christ.

Why Jesus Christ died for us? God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit saw the danger that humankind risks to lose everlasting life with God forever! That is the reason and THIS IS LOVE OF GOD!

Let's stay connected with the Word of God (Jesus Christ daily). When we read the Bible and meditate, we are full of Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit makes the Word of God alive in us with power inside of us.

This is the faith in Jesus Christ! God bless you and comment down below!


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