Why God is jealous?

To this question you have to remind yourself that God created the heavens, the earth and all people around the world.

Well let's talk shortly about the motivation of jealousy of God. The real motive, the real reason of jealousy of God is you and me. Yes! You and me. Have you forgotten that Father in heaven has sent us, to all people, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. If you think about the jealousy of God, think about the sacrifice of His beautiful and beloved Son, Jesus Christ. For our Father in heaven wasn't at all easy to give His beloved Son to die for our sins.

God is so jealous on us, all people around the world, that we may not lose everlasting life with Jesus Christ, that He may save us through His beloved Son. Because God loves us, Him having in mind that God created us and we belong to Him, His jealousy has motivated Him, has brought our Father in heaven to send Jesus Christ for us. God saw the danger against the people to go in hell, place where demons will go.

If you want to know more, you have so many resources to seek God. May God bless you and comment down below!


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