What is the sin?

Making short, if you want to understand what is the sin, you have to go in Genesis, chapter 2, when Eve has been tempted by Satan. Important is to see how she has been tempted by Satan. What the Bible says about Eve? She saw the tree of knowledge beautiful and good to eat because she believed the lying words of Satan.

One more is to see the origin of sin, when Lucifer (Satan) wanted to be like God. He saw himself the most beautiful angel and had the biggest position in heaven of God. He was the liders of worship and praising. He was a good commercial person - Ezekiel 28:16. He was in Eden before humankind being created (read Ezekiel 28:13, Luke 10:18).

People say that the origin of sin is pride, is Lucifer. It might be that. What I say here is that the sin is any action that comes against God in any way, no matter how. This is the sin. 

Why God is against the sin? Well, I have a answer for that: discover God and you will see how is God. The answer is simple: God is Holy: every one who comes before Him and the presence of God overshadows somebody, that person will bow down before God because there is power in the holiness of God! Righteousness of God and His Holiness are together. These can not be despite.

If you want to understand God stick to the Bible. God bless you and comment down below!


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