Praise the Lord - the key of victory in temptations

There is no Christian who is not facing temptation in his or her life. Even our Lord, Jesus Christ has been tempted by Satan, but successfully has defeated Satan by the Word of God.
The paragraph from Judges 7 shows us how to defeat out battles: worship and praise the Lord daily! 

Now let me tell you something: devil knows that worship is a great key of victory of God in our lifes and devil is fighting hard that we may not see worship and praise to God is not valuable, is in vain and useless. Well that's a big lie, cause Jesus called Satan the father of lie!

Gideon and 300 were praising and worshiping the Lord on the road of fight and they had the victory against Midianites. 

What Jesus said about in prayer "Our Father in heaven" that "do not lead us into temptation". Well, the apostle Paul said to Corinthians that God will not allow temptation over our power to defeat us and God finds a way to escape from temptation. 

When Jesus was tempted by Satan, he defeat Satan with the Word of God.

All angels have many reasons without boring to worship and praise the Lord Father in heaven, JESUS Christ and Holy Spirit. When we worship and praise the Lord, the power of God is released from His thrown. 

Remember when Paul and Peter were in the prison of Romans, they praised and worshiped God, they have been released from their chains, free from prison and the Earth was shaken!

Worship and praise is the key of victory of God in our lifes!

Stay focus on the Bible. God bless you and comment down below!


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