What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

As I told you, we are so afraid to think about this subject, because we are afraid of God, which means we don't know Him.

The blasphemy against Holy Spirit is continously sin against God. This repetition of sin, will grow cold you so much and will off the light of Holy Spirit inner you forever. You must remember that the blasphemy against Holy Spirit can't be forgiven these end times, nor next generations.

Why can't be forgiven this sin? The answer is simple: no one than Holy Spirit drives us to salvation in Jesus Christ, the Son of God Almighty! Do you remember what Jesus Christ said to apostles: the Holy Spirit will glorify Me. The last One who will bring you in the glory of God, the Father, is Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.

Remember that the Bible says that those who have the signature of Holy Spirit, which glorifies Jesus Christ, will be taken to God!

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, said to the multitude of jewish people: who ever is not with Me, is against Me. And whoever not gather with Me, miss the plan of God. Check the words Jesus Christ in Matthew 12.

When David has sinned against God with Bat Sheba, premeditating to kill the Hetite of Bat Sheba, when Israel has been defeated in the battle with philistines, those philistines have blasphemied the name of God! When David remembered his sin and confesed his sin to God, his said to don't take the Spirit of God from him.

Without Holy Spirit we are nothing! Pray for me cause I want to obey Holy Spirit! God bless and if this article was useful, please, SHARE!


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