A powerful revelation that will make you think: Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6?

First of all to exclud any missunderstanding we must look at the sense or meaning of "the sons of God". What means the sense "sons of God". Here we must look at God (this is the root of understanding).

Let's think who God is:
1. God, the Father.
2. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
3. Holy Spirit, the mighty Comforter and our stronger Adviser.

Let's see the acting personality of God:
1. God is love.
2. God is patient.
3. God is powerful
4. God is (pro)Creator - remember that!
5. God is Redeemer
6. God is glory.
7. God is amazing
8. God is just.
9. God is kind.
10. God is beatiful.
11. God is subtle and so on.

If we don't read the Bible, we will never know exactly what happend right there in Noah's time!
Now let's what mean the substantive of "son".

Son = a loving person who is the same with his father and born of his father, grown up and teached by his father in love, patience and discipline, were a great relationship is developed throughout all time of living and gathering, knowing deep one each other.

So if we saw who God is and understand what means the "son" substantive, obiously a son is like the father. If the Bible shows us that those are the sons of God from Genesis 6 means that God is their Father. I already told that son is like Father.

Let's get back to the point number 4 where God is (pro)Creator. Well, if God can create and procreate, means His sons can do too. Right? For we do not have confussions between angels and men-women, let read Genesis 1:26,27:
"Then God said, "Let Us make mankind in Our image, in Our likeness... So God created mankind in His image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them".

In this Bible verse above I wanna show you something. The image and the likeness of God.
1. What is the image of God? If we read again Genesis 1:27, we will see that the male and female mankind is the image of God.
2. What is the likeness of God? The likeness is the base of God's expression inner us and from our hands. You can watch the results in your life and other's lifes. If God is the (pro)Creator, means mankind can be too. From male and female married results beatiful child(s) born.

If God is Spirit (John 4:24), we are too spirits (Gen. 2:7, Job 32:8, Acts 7:59), we have souls (Deut. 4:29, Psalm 42:11) and live in bodies (Genesis 2:7).

3. Does God have soul? Well, yes. Leviticus 26:11, 30Isayah 42:1; Zechariah 11:8 and Hebrew 10:38.

Many of christians have that thinking of sons of God are angels. Can angels procreate? Is there a Bible verse where to say the angels of God are like God? No. Can you deny that? Read the Bible and see that!

What Matthew 22:30 says by the words of Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
"At the resurrection people will neither married nor been given in marriage. They will be like angels in heaven". What is the point of this verse? Can we interprate as we want? No. Jesus is giving us a understanding of what happens now in heaven. In the Bible there is no verse to show us that angels have or not sexual organs. And I don't even care about.

Jesus Christ lets us understand that angels can't procreate. Angels and demons have no power to recreate. Is not me what says in the Bible. Is right the Bible. You have the verses described above!

So the conclusion of this post is to show you that si beter to read the Bible. I repeated in the last posts that as you read more the Bible, is exactly you will be fiiled with Holy Spirit. And Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus Christ in you!

For you and me to understand much beter who are the sons of God let's read the Bible every day!

God bless you all. beautiful people of God! YOU ARE THE SONS OF GOD!


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