
Showing posts from August, 2018

Two contexts were angels praising God in public places

I just upload my video on this topic on my blog because I want you to see much more easy! From now on I will put small slideshow video not more than 3 minutes, every video. First context is Job 38:7 and the second one is in Luke 2:9-14 . The second one is the most explicit ever happen in our world. Both contexts are about Jesus Christ! I will let you enjoy the 3 minutes video!  Don't forget to Subscribe to my blog . When you will SUBSCRIBE FeedBurner will help instantly. Only receiving e-mail when I will post a Bible topic and that's it! God bless you all!

Siri, Alexa and Google can't answer Who is Jesus Christ

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share your great response! God bless you! If you ask Google Home, Siri and Alexa who is Buddha, Allah or Krishna, Google will surely give the next introduction: "According to Wikipedia Buddha, Allah or Krishna is...". But if you ask Google Home, Siri or Alexa who is Jesus Christ, they will come with next words: " Sorry, I can't help you yet!". At least those words are diplomatic. Let's watch this video, which is quite really interesting! This video belongs to Alpha&Omega Production The answer of Google was quite also really interesting, but not credible! Google said on Twitter, on January 18, 2018, that all searches regarding Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Allah and others werr disabled for the moment! The Google's answer on Twitter is right here . Don't forget to share with your friend and let us get it viral! God bless you!

Why to SUBSCRIBE to my blog?

This is the second time when I write the same topic because my phone has erased the first content. So for me is really hard to write down for you. Many times is stressfull. The Blogger app and the blogger site of my blog didn't correlate the information on my smartphone, so when I got here on my blogger platform to check my posts, guess what? This topic was erased! So now let us get back to work! My mainly reason for my blog is Joshua 1:8. Let us read it: " This book of Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all what is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success " - Joshua 1:8 . The first time when I studied the Bible was at my thirteen years old about the Sabbath. I am not a Adventist, but it burdened in me to study about Sabbath. The most explicit verse was Mark 16:9 and it says this: " Now when He rose early on the fi...

How God answers to hard moments?

Hey, you! Thank you coming here! If God is speaking to you and you want to find more Bible topics, SUBSCRIBE to my blog! The connection in Luke 8 about the daughter of Jairus of twelve years old and that woman seek of flow of blood 12 years (without to know her age) it my be interesting. The mother of Jairus's daughter had born a little girl with life but at that time the death came there into Jairus's daughter. By twelve years old the girl died. That woman with flow of blood was seek 12 years continuously. More than that: she consumed all her fortune with doctors and they couldn't even heal her. During on the road of Jairus's home to her daughter of 12 years old this woman with the flow of blood of 12 years said in her heart if she touches Jesus by His garment, she will heal her self, because Jesus asked the crowd following Him who touched Him cause a power came out of Him.  And that happened. She healed her self not because she touched the garm...

How Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus is blessed by God?

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share your great response! God bless you ! So many of us know that Mary, the Virgin had been in the greatest highly favour by God, blessed among women. Luke 1:28 and 30 shows that. Well my question is what type of favour from God she had received? Of course, the favour to give birth to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. But let me show how God had blessed the virgin Mary: How Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus Christ is blessed by God? " Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelves stars " - Revelation 12:1. This how Mary, the mother of Jesus had been in highly God's favour. Believe me! What we will see in heaven after Jesus Christ will come back, will amaze us and will give us joy in God! Paul said in Corinthians 13 that what will come has not shown yet, but it will be. I don't know ...

What are demons?

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share your great response! God bless you! The root of the fallen angels became evil. They are not trust worthy. What ever someone would deal with demons, will end very bad. I'm sure God warned the angels before their sin of the impossibility of a graceful recovery after they have been sinned against God. Their transformation was completely different of what they were before. Their spiritual DNA has been changed completely. They became brutal angels, liars, criminals, very  ugly and very violent, ignorant angels, naked of Holy Spirit, without the reveletion (rhema) of God's profound knowledge and homeless in the heavens of God, hurled on the earth.. Let me show what Jesus has already discovered us about these fallen angels 1. " When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. The it says, 'I will return...

The origin of demons

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share your great response! God bless you! Yes! This is a important biblical topic and this will help us understand a little bit who demons are. But before to see who they are, correct is to see who they were. Yes! Who demons were before. Let us see the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, which this Book of Revelation is the biggest Revelation of Jesus Christ (" The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon take place " - Revelation 1:1 ): " Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven. the great dragon was hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him " - Revelation 12: 7-9 . I...

Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6? Part 2

Dear friends! If you like this post, kindly you can comment down below and (please) do share as your great response! God bless you! Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels, devils, evil spirit or whatever they are. Nothing is much wrong then this thought. As I told you in the last post the sons of God the generation of Seth through Enosh until to Noah as Genesis 4:26 and all Genesis 5 relate to us. If you don't wanna analyse very well and study the Bible by this biblical topic, you won't have a real and correct understanding of what God tells us.  Why we must study the Bible?  Read Joshua 1:8 and let us see what it says: " Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything in it. Then you will be prospeous and succesful ". Nobody, including God, can change your mind otherwise you study the Bible to have a correct images of what happened in Genesis 6. Believe me! If...

Who are the sons of God from Genesis 6?

Most of us think that the sons of God are fallen angels. Well, is not right! Considering that angels of God had made love to the daughters of men, is a blasphemy against Holy Spirit .  By this mean, subliminal or on conscious mind, you consider that God can not be organised, is chaotic and can not be anywhere in the same time. You limited God in your mind, because you don't know the Bible. So, the sons of God turned from God to Satan and began to be evil and being possessed by demons. Do you remember when Holy Spirit was upon Mary, the virgin woman and the power was overshadowed her? Was the exactly moment when God put the seed of the Son of God in the womb of Mary without affecting her virginity.  Read much closer Matthew 1:18-24 to understand how hard was for Joseph to believe Mary that baby that she had in her womb is the Son of God, not of another man and he was almost there to divorce of Mary secretly.  Joseph didn't believed the event of Lu...