
Showing posts from July, 2018

Why to subscribe to my Christian blog?

  Bible verses blog is the place where you can find how to use Bible for your daily life in a simple way. All you have to do is to have an open heart to God's Word. According to our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit will bring life to the letters of the Bible. I encourage you to read with me the Bible! All you have to do is to SUBSCRIBE with your e-mail and you will be updated to most recent new posts on this blog. The blog  is willing to give you the answers you need or still doubt about . I won't say that I know everything , but God is the only One in authority who give me revelations ( rhemas ) at the right time ! SHARE toate your friends around the glob and gives me a feedback through message box! Wait for that. Until next time God bless you all!

Human being's vanity against God's love

You know...? Many of us dream to become someone and to become reach. We want to have successful careers, looking and live beter. Is this wrong? " Therefor whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God " - 1 Corinthians 10:31 . Is the verse above, 1 Corinthians 10:31 sound like a boring religious and technical action every day? Well... Whatever you do without God is vanity and grasping for the wing. You can have all the money in the world; gain this world for you, eat well, party, socialise, gain profit, but in time you will realise you were  runing for nothing.  Let's read the verse below: " Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in which I had toiled; and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun " - Ecclesiastes 2:11 . That work can be a homework that could make you reach and relaxed or could be a sin you runing for to feel accomplishe...

What is the image of God into human being? Educational and exegetic study!

The image of God into human being is family only of man and woman. Let us see Genesis 1:27 and read it: " So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them, man and female He created them ". From this image we can develope and assume a few conclusions as we continue to think. So through this practical action of God we see a few imperative things: 1. God created family explicitely  by man and woman! 2. God has created marriage life explicitely allowed only through man and woman - husband and wife.  From this we must protect the Bible against of all types of ungodly family concepts created and against all types ungodly protests and actions against original and natural family through man and women - husband and wife! Also from this we can put here Deuteronomy 22:5 as it is: " A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear woman's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this ". Why God d...

Who is realy the human being?

In this world, in this society, you will always find people who say you are nothing, worthless, you are not a great person and many other words based on what they think or see in apearence to you. Well, in reality as is, you are the creation of God, you have His image and you are according to His likeness as Genesis 1:26 says: " Then God said: 'Let Us make mab in our image, according to our likeness... " - Genesis 1:26 . What Genesis 1:27 reveals us? " So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created Him; male and female He created them " - Genesis 1:27. So the image of God is male and female - man and woman. This verse is more profound. What other thing Genesis 1:27 reveals us? Well, in this verse says this: " So God created man in His own image (1); in the image of God He created Him (2); male and female He created them (3)" - Genesis 1:27 . Which God created Adam and Eve? Look once again in this verse. Let ...

The most applyable Bible verse against abortion

" Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God " - Isayah 66:9. If God created life in mankind and procreational life through humankind, who we are to kill the unborn babies in their wombs? Isn't Isayah 66:9 enough for you? Or you don't care what the Bible says? You think the Bible is too old? Not too relevant to this generation? Let me give Jeremiah 1:5 , first part of the Bible verse: " Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!... " If God forms kids in the wombs of the mothers, who are those persons to kill unborn babies? We are vulnerable as these unborn kids are! A human being is a living PERSON from the moment when the man sperm and women egg get united to develope and create the new unborn baby . Even if the unborn living baby is unconscious, feels, lives and is feeded through the umbilical cord. We must reconsider our atitu...

Sex outside of marriage - educational subject

Sex outside  of marriage destroys the soul . Bible says the soul that sins shall die surely. What is sex outside marriage? You can be married or not and have sex even when you're not yet married or to be married. A person must keep her integrity what ever may costs. Do you know that a persons inner ibtegrity is done by the time of the right of having sex? Let me explain you that. When a man and a woman decide to get married (agreement of one for another) and never had sex before the marriage, those persons, man and woman keeps their minds, souls and spirits unperfidious, without knowing and making the evil. They remain simple, clean and keep their inner beauty! Do you know why so many have divorced and their families and children are destroyed? Because they had sex before the marriage and they couldn't manage this serious problem before God before geting married and after in-time marriage.  Do you know why so many aren't faithfull in their marriages? B...

Hypocrisy. Is this a sin?

Definetely, it is. Instead of being hypocrit, is beter to be as you are before God. Well, let see the Bible verses that show us hypocrisy is sin: 1. " If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves " - Galatians 6:3 . 2. " Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord!', and do not do what I say ?" - Luke 6:46 . 3. " Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves " - 1 Peter 2 . If you are looking only your profit of someone or of something, even if you are a heartbroken person and ignoring that, that a problem with you. Galatians 6:3 is a profound verse for me. Helps me to understand what happens with me, who I am and what I do. Also Galatians helps us realise if we are hyprocrits or not. This verse can lead us where everyone is hyprocrit his part.  If we can where is the problem of hypocrisy of each one of us in everyone's side, we can fi...

How God is helping us to defeate temtation, Satan and to love Him?

You know, most of us have issues how to love God, to obey God to defeat Satan and temptation, not to be religious, mechanical, legalist and so on. If you read Joshua 1:8 , you will discover Holy Spirit, our Suporter, the stronger One and the One Who glorifies Jesus Christ, the Risen One. Let's read it closely: " This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success ". Well... let's take step by stept this Bible verse: (1) " The book of Law shall not depart OUT OF your mouth" - remember the mention of "out of your mouth " and it means read the Bible daily. May sound religious, boring and legalist. Well, is not that. For this explination let me give you 2 Corinthians 3:17 .  Let us read it: ".. .who also made us sufficient as m...

What mean the truth will free you, when you know it?

Well most of us still confront the sin defeating us. Why is still that? Jesus said once when He was alone with His disciples, talking about the greater works and ministries in the name of Jesus: " If you love Me, keep My commandments " - John 14:15 . Maybe John 14:15 rise you questions of how can you do this. Well, the answer is very simple. Here is the answer: " The Book of Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe  to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success " - Joshua 1:8 The key word here is constance, which mean discipline and assuming responsibility daily! Wooow! You may say is hard to do that. You don't have to do so many rituals! As assuming responsibility is to just read, study the Bible daily and pray daily! What comes after I won't tell you! Read the last fragment above, read afte...